It's been a disappointing Season 8 for TVD, let's face it, and it's very hard to fathom how the writers are going to pick up all those pieces and glue them into some kind of winning conclusion. But I like to hope for the best, especially given past precedent such as Elena's classy and door-leaving-open exit at the end of Season 6, which was the most jaw-droppingly brilliantly-constructed and beautifully executed leap of faith.
Wishes and Predictions!
1. This one is a sad, bad, mad one. I'm pretty sure the writers are gonna make us sit through several more episodes of humanity-free Salvatores, and make us listen to Sybil and Seline blah-blah-blahing a whole bunch more. To which no one looks forward.
Vampires with no humanity are the Julians of Season 8.
2. The Hell plotline: I've been hoping all along that when the scoobies defeat Cade, the souls undeserving of condemnation will be released from Hell. You know, like presumably Tyler (he killed people, so one assumes that according to Cade's law that if you look at a fly the wrong way, you're evil, he was pretty much screwed), my Season 8 new character fave Georgie (Georgie and Alaric forever!), etc. etc. I doubt Katherine will be set free after all she's done, but it would be so cool to see her again...that's assuming Nina Dobrev comes back for anything at all, which is unfortunately an assumption.
3. Speaking of which, Elena. Let's confront the lovely, tiny, delicate-faced elephant in the room. Will she be back? Fierce hope that Elena at least awakens at the end of the finale lives on. Because if there's one thing in this show that means more to some of us, one of whom is me, than anything else, it's Delena! Let this glorious OTP be as it should at the end of the show! They need their happily ever after, and we viewers have earned seeing the real Damon again right where he should be.
4. What will happen to Bonnie? My theory is that she dies peacefully in old age (flash forward sequence), Enzo by her side, since he'd taken the cure for vampirism years ago. Then Elena can wake up without Bonnie dying tragically young and missing out on her romantic, blissful life with Enzo. And also, we all want Bon Bon to have her powers back ASAP and for the rest of the final season of the show, please!
Massive thanks are due to Bonenzo for propping up an often abysmal season with their gorgeous love story.
5. Are we going to see Kai again? The show's only truly great villain aside from Klaus and Katherine is rumored to make one more brief appearance, which would be terrific. He's such a fascinating character that I truly can't believe he was confined to one season.
6. Steroline Wedding. This seems like a given, and I know the Steroline fans deserve this richly.
Buuuuttttt I really hope that someday, some way, Klaus and Caroline end up together. Some ships you just never get over, love.
Even though this has been the worst season of the show since 5, and with its downright depressing constant barrage of cruelty, pretty much worse than 5 (which after all, was more boring than actually mean), TVD never ceases to surprise and often amaze. I can't wait to see what the series finale in March will hold. Even though I'm sort of terrified to find out. Gah!
Feel free to add your own hopes and fears and guesses in the comments!